
Ordinary Iron Man III – Recap and Photos

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With just over a month to go, here is your promised reminder of the OIM 3 event that Shoot Em Up dominated last year. The yellow jersey changed hands just three times – Buckingham had it after Darts, MacAddict had it after Bocce (how is this possible), Leap (not a typo) had it after pool and no doubt slept in it, before handing it over to Shoot Em Up after volleyball. This hand off is captured below in perhaps the most disturbing picture of the tournament.

Final Results:

1st: Shoot Em Up, 2nd: Leap (really?), 3rd Happy Tom, 4th: Buckingham, 5th: Alphabet, 6th: Harv, 7th: The Prof and Jimbo, 9th: The Polish Prince (Most Ordinary), 10th: Spike, 11th: The Kid, 12th: Boom Boom, 13th: Dutch, 14th: MacAddict and Lex, 16th: Rogie T

A few ordinary facts for you:

  • Last year’s winner Dutch, continued the trend of the champion of the previous year completing messing the bed the following year, starting with a last place finish in Darts and Bocce. Look out Uncle Ronnie this year.
  • Shoot Em Up finished with 51 points, which was the highest winning total in OIM history. The BBC version anyway. Yet he won just one event – the last, in Horseshoes.
  • Leap and Alphabet won 3 events each and both finished in the top 5. Goes to show that gold medals lead to good things. But you gotta close the deal palookas.
  • New Bloods have a mixed record in OIM – Dutch won his first tournament back in 2007 in a previous incarnation, but Boom Boom last year was 12th with three last place finishes. What lies in store for Caulfield this year?
  • Polish Prince finished most ordinary. Go figure.
  • Finishing last means you are most feared. You also win the wonderful Girls Night Out trophy. Most feared means you should be ready for revenge the next year. With roster changes this year, this means Lex and MacAddict are our most feared twins. Not the first time I have heard that.
  • New Blood this year: Dan Caulfield.
  • Old Blood returning this year: Douchey and Frasio.

Here are the picks of the pics from last year, kindly donated by Paul Kelly aka MacAddict and one of the most feared twins. He of wallet fiasco last year.

"Lets roll, Ordinary Men!"

“Lets roll, Ordinary Men!”

Dutch eager to repeat last years success. Fat chance.

Dutch eager to repeat last years success. Fat chance.

Uncle Ronnie says "Oogga Chugga"

Uncle Ronnie says “Oogga Chugga”

Hey Prof - Larry thinks he's going to win this year. What think you?

Hey Prof – Larry thinks he’s going to win this year. What think you?

Robert...just stay still for a second will you...

Robert…just stay still for a second will you…

Spike ignoring the peanuts from Boom Boom

Spike ignoring the peanuts from Boom Boom

Buckingham wins 3rd straight Darts title. Is this an omen? (spoiler - no).

Buckingham wins 3rd straight Darts title. Is this an omen? (spoiler – no).

Lex takes aim at the eight ball and Paul Kelly

Lex takes aim at the eight ball and Paul Kelly

Words escape me..

Words escape me..

Headline: MacAddict leads after two events. Loses wallet soon after.

Headline: MacAddict leads after two events. Loses wallet soon after.

Hells bells. Leap leads OIM after day 1.

Hells bells. Leap leads OIM after day 1.

A Simian invades the OIM VB event

A Simian invades the OIM VB event

As I mentioned, very, very disturbing

As I mentioned, very, very disturbing

Boom and Harv nail the VB

Boom and Harv nail the VB

One Direction in 40 years

One Direction in 40 years

Leap and The Kid win the prized golf event

Leap and The Kid win the prized golf event

Bowling Winners. Leap, really? (nice photo bomb Linda).

Bowling Winners. Leap, really? (nice photo bomb Linda).

Dusk sets in amidst flying horseshoes and Robert's pony tail

Dusk sets in amidst flying horseshoes and Robert’s pony tail

Shoot Em Up Wins. And left high and dry by Buckingham.

Shoot Em Up Wins. And left high and dry by Buckingham.

The Polish Prince wins Most Ordinary (but doesn't buy a round).

The Polish Prince wins Most Ordinary (but doesn’t buy a round).

OIM IV June 13th / 14th

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259540_10150205651446750_542436749_7513537_212282_oWow I have been a lazy sod haven’t I? I never got round the the OIM III review and pictures. Will do so very soon palookas. Anyway, to wet your appetite for this years immense edition of the Ordinary Iron Man, here are some pictures of 2012 edition. Cripes some of us were larger then eh?

Shoot Em Up returns to defend his title which reminds me Uncle Ronnie – you need to ensure the Jacket and Trophy is updated. I am sure Frannie can help…

A new event this year chaps. Stay tuned….

OIM II 2012 Recap

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Gentlemen, the OIM has come and gone once more and we are left to pack away our medals and t-shirts for another year, and then spend the next few months promising to practice throwing darts and luzzing a horseshoe. And if you are Alphabet, spend  weeks musing about what could and should have been. It was a great couple of days, the weather held out and a good time was had  by all. 

Congratulations (through gritted teeth) to our winner: Dutch!


Congratulations again to our winner Dutch, who came up the rails and stole the jacket, trophy and title from Buckingham on the last event. At least we have a name for what Buckingham did  – he ‘did a Kinmond’. Dutch was a worthy winner – the 50 points and 4 gold medals matches Cadillac from last year – combining his own ordinary skills with perhaps the slightly above ordinary skills of his partners (i.e. Rogie T in Golf, Shoot Em up in Football Toss (Cheers Uncle Ronnie)). OIM III – 2013 will strive to be the biggest, best and most ordinary event yet. In the meantime, we will try and arrange a mini OIM golf tourney in September, followed by some darts and pool over the winter months. So for now, enjoy the summer, practice those volleyball skills (Leap) and I will leave you with a few snaps from the OIM II.

Jowly Buckingham gets the OIM II 2012 started…

The point of the OIM is to win gold medals. Dutch shows you his..

The OIM competitors get ready…

Douchey takes it all in….and waits for Voodoo by Godsmack, possibly the worst OIM Calcutta song ever…


Alphabet, being Greek, is a good choice for the maths portion of the OIM.

The Polish Prince poses. I understand he took some roids to help him with his pool. It backfired.

Darts gets underway..(and no, still haven’t found that rogue dart tossed by Easy Rider in anger)

Horseshoes in the fading light….

The first rule of OIM…No Chicks!

Buckingham would be the overnight leader…

Tactical discussions….hic

OIM’ers take a breath after VB..

The trophys await their victors..

Alphabet just can’t believe he has ‘won’ the Girls Night Out Trophy…

Alphabet will be a threat next year as ‘Most Feared’

Happy Tom is most ordinary…


Happy Tom and Shoot Em Up have the last laugh in the Calcutta stakes..

The Group of Ordinary Men 2012

Dutch celebrates with his massive..

Next year Bucky, next year…

Participant Update

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Quick Update, the following have replied ‘in’ for the OIM 2012 tournament:
Matt Goff, Jim Millar, Paul Kelly, Derek B, Harry C, Harry S, Kinmond S, Ben E, Jamie C and Rob C (10)
Verbal affirmatives from Larry F and Ronnie B (2)
Injury concerns / ‘I don’t know what I am doing next week let alone in a few months’ with Fraser M, Wayne D and Alex H.
Nothing heard from OIM champ Andrew V – Bobby, can you jog his memory and ask him if he wants to defend.
Its ok to say yes now, and then pull out if you have too nearer the time – as we have a list of willing participants to fill in for you.
Sign up for the website already…https://ordinaryironman.wordpress.com/
OIM Chairman

Ordinary Iron Man II: The Sequel, Kinmond Strikes Back

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The second year of the Balmy Beach Club Ordinary Iron Man (OIM) competition will be held Friday June 8th & Saturday June 9th, 2012. Full details will  be posted on this website in due course.

Yes its just February 1st. Yes a whole 6 weeks of winter to go. But fear not, the OIM is a mere 18 weeks away. These things take planning. Not least the availability of our competitors. So here’s how it works:
  • 16 competitors from OIM get the first invite for OIM II.
  • Please reply to me via email by Feb 28th stating whether you are in or not.
  • I know plans can change last minute, but if you know now that there is a scheduling difficulty, please say so.
  • Once we know how many are not returning, we can then offer their places to other competitors who are keen to join.
  • If push comes to shove in the above scenario, we can take a group vote on whether we let a polish bloke participate.
Don’t need anything else from you now. Just look at the calendar, chat with the missus/dog/cat/boyfriend to ensure the weekend is clear, and let me know. FYI, its the weekend before Fathers Day weekend.